
Scientific systems

Bolometer Kamera
Exemplary customer development
Supracon develops specifically adapted measuring units based on superconducting detectors or components thereof for any kind of application research or industrial based.

In case you require for a measuring task SQUID based systems we support such development projects with our experience, products and technology. We will act as a supplier of knowhow, parts, components, subsystems or a complete system setup.

Supracon has realised such research and development tasks as contractor or as partner in the framework of cooperation projects in the past. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us to discuss the suitable way of collaboration.

Possible system, subsystem or component solutions consist of the elements in the table hereunder.
System components Description
SQUID sensor current sensor, magnetometer, gradiometer (wire-wound, planar), amplifier SQUID, SQUID with integrated current switch
SQUID electronics consisting of Fluxed Looked Loop (FLL) and control electronics, modular setup
Power supply battery or mains operation (world-wide use)
Data acquisition system modular, 24-bit analogue-digital conversion, optimised for SQUID measurements, Ethernet connection
Cryogenic engineering cryostat (fibreglass, metal), cryo-cooler, liquid helium transfer line, safety accessories, level meter
Accessories and peripheral equipment cryoprobes, cryocable, shielding, housing, cable- and connector-kit, software, manual, vacuum pump, transport packaging


Reference for SQUID system development

Detector readout with SQUID sensors for APEX Telescope
Supracon developed by the order of the Max-Planck-Institute Bonn (MPI Bonn) a SQUID read-out of bolometer sensors within the project sub millimetre APEX Bolometer Camera (SABOCA).
The components have been successfully integrated into the camera. The scientists of MPI Bonn applied the bolometer camera in the Atacama desert on a 12 m telescope with excellent results. According to the information by radio astronomers, the exploration of the sky at 350 micrometer wavelength promises to reveal plenty about the development of stars and planets and therewith the origins of the world.

Further references about past development can be found here References.  

You can ask us for custom SQUID systems


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Contact us

Supracon AG
An der Lehmgrube 11
07751 Jena

Tel.: +49-3641-2328100
Fax.: +49-3641-2328109
