Supracon has since 2001 grown from a trading company into a manufacturer of SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) sensors and high precision measuring systems.
In the last years the focus of our activities has been in industrialising SQUID based measuring systems for geophysical applications.
Supracon manufactures both Low Temperature (LTc) - and High Temperature (HTc) SQUID systems for ground Transient Electromagnetic surveys (TEM).
Supracon and
IPHT (Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology) have also incorporated significant improvements in their operational airborne Full Tensor Magnetic Gradiometer system, which is also deployed on routine surveys.
Supracon is cooperating with major exploration companies to utilise the ultimate sensitivity of SQUID sensors.
Supracon remains also a reliable partner for SQUID based application with scientific background and supports research projects with its expertise and products.
In 2005
Supracon has taken over a high-end measuring equipment development from IPHT and since then has turned the Josephson Voltage Standard System into a marketable product, which is continously improved and receives a lot of attention from the metrological community.
The advanced fabrication technology of the superconducting circuits is being utilised in another strategic field of
Supracon AG were we offer microfabrication services and products for modern optics.
The medium term strategy of
Supracon is to enter a new strategic field in order to ensure the continuing growth of the company.
Supracon intends to apply superconducting detectors for security applications. It will allow monitoring Terahertz signals, which can reveal hidden weapons, chemicals or explosives. The status is still developmental but making good progress.
On the long run promising potential of our technological basis resides in medical diagnostics. It has been stated by renowned leaders of the medical society that SQUID technology is capable of overcoming shortcomings in current medical diagnostics, in particular for investigations of the heart muscle. It is therefore our vision to establish Functional Heart Tomography (FHT) as a standard diagnostic method in routine clinical diagnostics.