supraVOLTcontrol consists of the following components:
- Cryoprobe with JVS circuit
- Liquid He Dewar or cryocooler (optional)
- JVS electronics unit
- Microwave electronics unit includes: 75 GHz Gunn oscillator, isolator, directional coupler, mixer, voltage controlled attenuator
- EIP source locking microwave counter
- Keithley nanovoltmeter as Null detector
- 3-channel polarity reversal switch
- Sensors for temperature, humidity and barometric pressure
- Host computer with IEEE interface GPS 10 MHz reference frequency receiver (optional)
- compressor unit
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Supracon AG
An der Lehmgrube 11
07751 Jena
Tel.: +49-3641-2328100
Fax.: +49-3641-2328109