News Archive 2018

European R&D project AMTEG started

Supracon has started a European research project jointly with Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology and IGI mbH as well as European partners Geognosia S.L. and Nordic Iron Ore AB in May 2018.

The aim of AMTEG (Advanced Magnetic full Tensor Gradiometer) is a new airborne magnetic exploration tool using a full tensor magnetic gradiometer, a 3D-vector magnetometer and an ancillary optically pumped magnetometer for absolute measurements.  
The performance will be evaluated in representative European mining areas. The project is funded by BMBF (033RU001A), CDTI and VINNOVA with co-funding by the European Commission via its ERA-Net frame ERA-MIN 2.  
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Supracon AG
An der Lehmgrube 11
07751 Jena

Tel.: +49-3641-2328100
Fax.: +49-3641-2328109
